Tied Up Adam Is Tortured And Stabbed In His Navel With A Screwdriver
$20.00 USD
Last time Johny couldn't stop poking and worshipping Adam's navel, but it wasn't enough and he poisoned Adam to knock him out...Adam is tied up from hands and feet to a bed, Johny approaches with the screwdriver that Adams was using to repair his things, but now it would serve to a completely different purpose, while still unconscious, Johny teases and careses Adam's torso with the screwdriver, his abs, pecs and nipples, but then he moves to his precious navel, he starts pocking it gently, Adam grunts and moves a bit, but he remains unconscious, then Johny gets rougher and Adams moans louder, Johny can't contain himself anymore and jams the crewdriver into Adam's belly button, Adam wakes up in shock and pain, Johny moves, twists and jams the screwdriver into Adam's navel, being tied up, he can't do anything to help it, he just moans and cries in pain as his navel get's bloody and destroyed by Johny's obsession; Adam gets weaker and weaker until he finally gives up and dies tied up on the bed.